Business Training

Business Training

We provide a wide range of short and medium course training packages to improve the performance of your people.

Team Excellence

Insight and practical tools to optimise high functioning teams.

High performing teams underpin the function of any organisation. This course will offer insights into the strengths of teams, their disadvantages and what can be done to work with complementary and blocking individuals.
Individuals will leave the training with a deeper understanding and appreciation of how to work with difference and strengths in their team.
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Customer Service Delivery

Establishing what great customer service looks like, and engaging the team to deliver.

Using a consultative approach, this training invites CSA's and their leaders to input into a customer service charter. Assumptions are challenged and best practice models are explored to arrive at a final declaration which engages all, and delivers on high quality customer service experience. 
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Communicating Effectively

Identifying personal preferences and exploring other approaches to influence and persuade.

This course explores the key features of great communicators, and examines evidence based principles of influence. Delegates examine their own preferred communication style, and come to see those approaches they are not currently using, but may achieve the results they are looking for.
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Introduction to Coaching

Learning key skills to elicit high performance from others.

This course trains delegates in the art and science of active listening and targeted questioning in order to bring out solutions from a coachee. Contracting, boundaries, ethics and coaching models are also explored in this engaging training which will boost the coach's confidence and improve their work communications.
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Mentor Training

Supporting others to achieve personal and professional success.

Usually delivered to supplement an established or newly formed mentoring training initiative, this course provides mentors with the key skills required to support others' ambitions and plans within an organisation.
Delegates will leave this course with greater confidence to use their insight and experience to benefit others. 
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Resilience Training

Using your strengths to convert stress to performance.

Nobody experiences an absence of stress. Indeed, stress is shown to be necessary to improve performance, but the tipping point from controlled stress to anxiety can be a fine one.
This course helps delegates to identify their triggers, values and blockers, and to understand the individual, organisational and societal support systems which can be used to improve their choices and build resilience.
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Rapport, Influence and Persuasion

Techniques to build relationships quickly and effectively.

Using the principles of organisational psychology, NLP and hypnotherapy, this training provides the delegate with a fascinating set of tools to help build trust and connect with others powerfully and effectively.
Exploring language patterns, rapport and visualisation techniques delegates will quickly understand how to work with others to build engagement and support.
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KPIs, Performance

Designing meaningful targets to engage and produce results.

This training helps delegates to understand the evidence base for goal setting and the organisational conditions required to achieve results.
Principles of human motivation at work, performance and engagement are explored to help delegates build meaningful KPIs which motivate others to get results.
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Managing Change

Facing up to a necessary fact of life, and using it to your advantage.

Change can profoundly effect performance but is a necessary part of an organisation's desire to improve. Thjis training explores our capactiy to cope with change, and to frame the experience into one which helps to build on the familiar so that we can free up resources to face the new.
Change cycles and human response is explored fully so that delegates appreciate the time and tools required to face change with confidence and optimism.
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Presenting with Power

Design, build and delivery of engaging presentations

This training explores the common preconceptions of training which raise unrealistic expectations and pressures to perform. Going on to provide practical guidance on how to structure, design and present, this training will help you to manage your nerves, build your confidence and deliver presentations which captivate, engage and inform your audience. 
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Handling Difficult Conversations

Guidance to deal with issues early and effectively.

Primarily aimed at managers, this training helps delegates to structure, consult and direct conversations with team members so that issues can be explored in a timely, productive and solution-focused manner.
Delegates will understand their own communication style, the impact it has on others, and the choice available to them so that they no longer put off what needs to be discussed.
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The First Time Manager

Exploring key principles of the art and science of effective management.

Whether you've chosen it, or it has been 'given' to you, being an effective manager can take a while to get right.
This training will help clarify your role, the expectations of management, and how to motivate, inspire, lead and manage so that you deliver for your team and the business, while enjoying the development of your own management skills. 
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Short Courses

Coaching Apprentices

A short course for Student Apprentice Managers or Line Managers with apprentices who need to understand the principles and practice of coaching when working with apprentices at all levels.

Coaching Qualification ILM L3

The fundamentals of coaching explored through webinars and face to face sessions to support the delegate to achieve 36 hours of coaching experience leading to an ILM Level 3 Certificate in Coaching.

Coaching Qualification L5

More advanced coaching practice workshops and webinars to support the delegate to achieve 60 hours of coaching practice leading to an ILM Level 5 Diploma in Coaching.

Learning and Development Consultancy.

If after viewing our range of training courses, you'd like to know how to structure them into a syllabus for your business, or to develop career pathways for various departments, please call us to discuss.
Cogence can provide guidance and advice on workforce planning, bespoke training interventions, digital content design and support on E & D, Women In Leadership, Compliance and Mental Health in the Workplace.
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